Huwebes, Pebrero 14, 2013


はい、私は 何年も一人ぼっちで 私には全く魅力がないのか、付き合いにくいのかと思っていました。バレンタインデーはいつも女友達と過ごすか、一人で過ごしていました。 
今日も、昨年も、ずっと前から、 私はまわりでキスをしたり、抱き合ったり、
手を繋いだりしている愛しい恋人達を眺めながら メロドラマ風になっていました。
一人ぼっちでいる最大の難点は 周囲にいる幸福そうな恋人達を目にして、
お花、チョコレートそして手書きのラブレターは いつも私のバレンタインデーも
にお花、チョコレート、手書きのラブレターというのは 私の静かな願望です。

まず初めに 私にケーキ、お花、チョコレートとプレゼントを買ってくれる人が
しかし、私が もうそれらを望んでない事が分り とても驚いていると言うことを

(universe)は 私が何を言ってもしっかりと捕まえていてくれる、またいつか私と結婚したいと何度も尋ねたりする感情の起伏を全て辛抱強く 許容してくる事が出来る人を私に授けてくれました。 その全てに感謝しています、ただ感謝するだけです。
ちょうどその頃、私は 希望を持つことをやめました。 しかし、恋愛に関しておかしなことは
あなたの人生で何かを探している時でさえ 予期せぬことや驚きあるがあるのです。

私の恋愛人生は完璧ではなく、 事実完璧に近くもありません。私は努力し、泣きます。
私のボーイフレンドは 私の理想の男性とは程遠いかも知れませんし、基準の
四分の一をも満たしていません。 でも、私は神(universe)が私に彼を
この世は詐欺師と嘘つきが溢れています、 一人でも誠実で真剣な思いを持ってくれる人を見つけることはとても幸運な事です。
彼はとても良い相手です。 そして、彼は本当に待っていた価値のある人です。

あなたは 何かを求めてくまなく探し求めます。 しかし、あなたが探しているものは
今まで、ラブストーリーへと発展させるために 沢山の事を経験し驚かされました。

私達にはまだまだ長い道のりがある事を知っていますが ここまで来ることが出来ました。
私は ボーイフレンドに いつもやるべき事をやらなかったり、言うべき事言わなかったりする事に対して 誤りたいと思います。そして いつも私を理解してくれることに感謝しています。
I love you!  Happy Valentine's Day!

English Version:

Confessions of an Impatient Girlfriend by Teacher Joyce

 For 27 years, I have been silently hoping to have someone special to celebrate this day with. Yes, I was single for so many years which left me thinking if I was exceedingly unattractive or just Too Hot to handle. V-Day has always been with girl-friends or just on my own-emo-self, mostly. Today, last year, and like many other years, I couldn’t help myself from getting melodramatic seeing sweet couples everywhere – kissing, cuddling, holding hands together… You know the hardest part of being single is seeing happy sweethearts around and you wonder if someone is out there to make you happy too. I took pity on me that I ended up going to Goldilocks buying a cake for myself; gathered all of my willpower not to buy those red-yellow-white roses I saw on the streets which looked a lot like a flower exhibit at that time. That was pretty damn pathetic, wasn’t it? Here is a revelation: Flowers and chocolates and hand-written love letters have always been my silent longings on a V-Day.

        This year is not especially different from the previous years, and yet it’s not the same either. Well, first I there might be someone out there who’ll buy me a cake and flowers and chocolates or some fluffy stuffs. But here’s a confession. I’m amazed to find out that I no longer wish for those things. Now that the universe blessed me with a man who can patiently tolerate all my mood swings, who keeps holding on even if many times I chose to let go and who always, always tells me I’m the one he wants to marry in time; all I can think of is being grateful. Just grateful. Flowers and chocolates become irrelevant now.

        Exactly a year ago, I wrote a letter to my future boyfriend. Who would have thought that four months later I would get to meet him in flesh and blood. It was at that point when I gave up hoping, stopped looking... But the funny thing about love is that it comes so unexpected and can surprise you, even when you were already looking for it all your life.

        It is true that my love life is not perfect nor close to perfection. We fight and we cry. But its imperfection is what makes it beautiful. I must admit that my boyfriend is far different from my ideal man. He doesn’t even meet a quarter of my standards. But I feel so blessed that the universe picked him for me. In this world full of cheaters and liars, one is lucky enough to find someone who has serious and sincere intentions. I can say, he’s quite a good catch. And yes, he’s really worth the wait.

        Life is truly playful. You look far and wide looking for something, but it turns out that what you’re looking for is just right beside you - in the neighborhood for instance. Until now it still caught me by surprise that it only took a plastic full of household rubbish for a love story to blossom. Thanks to the rubbish.

         We have come this far, though I know we still have a long way to go. To the boyfriend, I just wanna say I’m sorry for all the times I never did the things I should have done and said the things I should have said. And for all the times you understood, I thank you. As long as you promise me that you will keep me around no matter how hard and difficult I become, then I will never run away. I LOVE YOU even if at times I don’t make it obvious. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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